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Homepage>DIN 2281-1 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - GO workshop screw plug gauges, check and setting plugs for general purpose ISO metric screw threads with nominal diameters from 1 mm up to 40 mm
sklademDatum vydání: 2001-12
DIN 2281-1 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - GO workshop screw plug gauges, check and setting plugs for general purpose ISO metric screw threads with nominal diameters from 1 mm up to 40 mm

DIN 2281-1

Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - GO workshop screw plug gauges, check and setting plugs for general purpose ISO metric screw threads with nominal diameters from 1 mm up to 40 mm

Geometrische Produktspezifikation (GPS) - Gewinde-Gutlehrdorne - Teil 1: Gutarbeitslehren, Prüf- und Einstellehren für Metrisches ISO-Gewinde allgemeiner Anwendung von 1 mm bis 40 mm Gewinde-Nenndurchmesser

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Datum vydání:2001-12
Označení:DIN 2281-1
Název produktu:Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - GO workshop screw plug gauges, check and setting plugs for general purpose ISO metric screw threads with nominal diameters from 1 mm up to 40 mm
Počet stran:4

DIN 2281-1