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Homepage>IEC 62465:2010 - Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Management of ageing of electrical cabling systems
sklademVydáno: 2010-05-11
IEC 62465:2010 - Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Management of ageing of electrical cabling systems

IEC 62465:2010

Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Management of ageing of electrical cabling systems

Centrales nucléaires de puissance - Instrumentation et contrôle-commande importants pour la sûreté - Gestion du vieillissement des systèmes de câbles électriques

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Anglicky/Francouzsky Hardcopy
267.29 €
Anglicky/Francouzsky PDF
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267.29 €
Označení normy:IEC 62465:2010

IEC 62465:2010

IEC 62465:2010 provides strategies, technical requirements, and recommended practices for the management of normal ageing of cabling systems that are important to safety in nuclear power plants. The main requirements are presented in the body of this International Standard followed by a number of informative annexes with examples of cable testing techniques, procedures, and equipment that are available for the nuclear industry to use to ensure that ageing degradation will not impact plant safety. This publication contains colours which are considered to be useful for the correct understanding of its contents.