This standard PD CEN/TR 13445-101:2015 Unfired pressure vessels. Example of application is classified in these ICS categories:
23.020.30 Gas pressure vessels, gas cylinders
This Technical Report presents an application of EN 13445 through an example of design and fabrication of an unfired pressure vessel. Every step is described as far as possible:
Material choice;
Design and calculation;
Inspection and testing;
using the following part of EN 13445:
EN 13445-1:2009;
EN 13445-2:2009;
EN 13445-3:2009;
EN 13445-4:2009;
EN 13445-5:2009.
As applicable, some choices for design or fabrication are made according to “the state of art” practice.
Some parts of EN 13445 are reproduced in order to show which requirements are relevant to the design and fabrication of the target vessel.